Kice InDustries, Inc.
Early day fi lters were simply dust chambers with cloth bags that had to be cleaned manually by shaking
or rapping the bags to remove the dust. Mechanical shakers were devised to do the same thing, but
compressed air jets provided a more positive cleaning eff ect. However, the compressed air needs to
be clean, dry, and oil free..
The Pneu-Jet method uses direct jets of medium pressure (10-15 psig) air to clean the bags. The air is
piped to the fi lter air tank, which is connected through the Kice Pneu-Jet valves to the manifold lines
above the fi lter bags. The manifold lines are mounted in the clean air chamber with a vertical drop into
the center of each bag. The air tank is fi lled with compressed air to a pressure of 10-15 psig, at which
time an electric signal is sent to activate a solenoid valve to open the Pneu-Jet blast valve, which
suddenly discharges the tank of pressurized air through the manifold into the top of each bag in that
row. This pulse of air causes the dust particles collected externally on the fi lter media to be dislodged
and fall into the hopper. After an adjustable amount of time, the controller cycles to the next Kice
Pneu-Jet valve in sequence and activates its solenoid, which releases air to clean the next row of bags.
The complete Kice Pneu-Jet fi lter control circuit is shown on (Figure 14) on page 22. The Pneu-Jet
valves are mounted between the air tank and the cleaning manifolds. (Figure 12) These valves are an
exclusive Kice design to provide a high-energy release of air that is used for cleaning the fi lter media.
The Pneu-Jet valve is a 2 way normally closed, diaphragm type valve utilizing a spring and air pressure
above the diaphragm to cause the diaphragm to seal. When the pressurized air above the diaphragm
is exhausted to atmosphere, the diaphragm lifts to the open position, discharging the pressurized air
(10-15 psig) into the cleaning manifold in a fraction of a second.
8. Filter Operation & Start-Up Procedure
Figure 12
Kice Pneu-Jet Valve