Kice InDustries, Inc.
7. Installation
Kice Pneu-Jet fi lters are shipped in many diff erent confi gurations. Some units are completely
assembled and skidded when size permits. These units may be handled and moved using good
rigging techniques, being careful to avoid concentrated stresses that will distort any of the parts. Items
or parts of the fi lter that are shipped knocked down will be clearly labeled for reassemble. If the fi lter is
not to be installed promptly, store it in a clean, dry location to prevent rust and corrosion of steel
components. If outdoor storage is necessary, protection should be provided. Cover any openings to
prevent the accumulation of dirt and moisture inside the housing. Cover motors with waterproof
material. Refer to the motor maintenance information for further storage instructions.
1. Move the Kice Pneu-Jet fi lter to the installation area
using proper equipment. Lift only by lugs indicated (see
Figure 3).
2. Check the mating surfaces of the bin or fi lter hopper
fl ange and the fi lter housing fl ange. They should be free
of any foreign materials.
3. Place two beads of caulking on the fl ange of the bin
or hopper (on each side of the bolt holes and around
each hole) and mount the fi lter housing.
4. If an airlock valve is required, it should be mounted to the hopper discharge fl ange or sight glass
assembly. Additional support may be required.
5. Tighten all fasteners securely. To insure proper operation, the fi lter must be adequately supported
and properly installed. All duct work or stacks should be independently supported as excess weight
may distort the fi lter housing and cause contact between moving parts. When installing outdoors,
care must be taken to guy wire the unit in order to handle the wind loading. Contact Kice Industries,
Inc., for the proper location and adjustment.
6. Anchor the base of the ladder to the concrete pad. Use shims as required to ensure the base of
the ladder is fl ush with the pad. Depending on the span of the ladder there may be support bracing
that will attach the ladder to the fi lter housing or structure. Make sure all of the support braces are
connected and secure before using the ladder.
6. Storage
Use appropriate equipment when lifting or moving the Kice Pneu-Jet fi lter. Make
sure all persons and obstructions are clear from the path and installation area. When
installing the equipment, make sure the moving parts inside the equipment are not
accessible. This also fulfi lls EN ISO 13857-1 where required.
Figure 3
: Ladder is not safe to use until all components and braces are properly installed.
Lifting Points