(§) C H 3
Adjusts the vertical position of channel 3 trace. This con-
trol is used when the vertical MODE is selected to TRIPLE.
@ S O U R C E
Five-position lever switch; selects triggering source for the
sweep, with following positions;
The trigger source is determined by vertical
MODE selection. (Hereafter VERT MODE is ab-
breviated to V. MODE.)
C H 1 : Channel 1 signal is used as a trigger
C H 2 : Channel 2 signal is used as a trigger
ADD: The algebraic sum of channel 1 and
channel 2 signals is the trigger source. (If
C H 2 INV is engaged, the difference
becomes the trigger source.)
Display is alternately triggered by
CH1 and C H 2 (dual-trace opera-
tion) or C H 1 , CH2 and CH3
(triple-trace operation).
CHOP; The display cannot be synchroniz-
ed with the input signal since the
chopping signal becomes the trig-
ger source.
C H 1 : Sweep is triggered by channel 1 signal
regardless of vertical MODE selection.
CH2: S w e e p is triggered by channel 2 signal
regardless of vertical MODE selection.
E X T /
C H 3 : Sweep is triggered by signal applied to E X T TRIG
INPUT jack @) .
LINE: S w e e p is triggered by line f r e q u e n c y
(50/60 Hz). Sweep may not be triggered when
the COUPLING switch is not at the A C position.
In that case, set the COUPLING switch to A C .
Five-position lever switch; selects coupling for sync trigger
A C : Trigger is ac coupled. Blocks dc component of in-
put signal; most commonly used position.
HFrej: Sync signal is coupled through a low-pass filter
to eliminate high frequency components for
stable triggering of low frequency signals.
DC: The sync signal is dc coupled for sync which in-
cludes the effects of dc components.
FRAME: Vertical sync pulses of a composite video signal
are selected for triggering.
T V LINE: Horizontal sync pulses of a composite video
signal are selected for triggering.
@> C H 3 or E X T . TRIG
Input terminal of channel 3 signal or external trigger signal.
When vertical MODE is set at TRI, not only channel 1 and
channel 2 input signals but channel 3 signal is observable
simultaneously. When the S O U R C E switch is set to E X T
C H 3 , this signal triggers sweep.
Used to select the horizontal display mode.
A: Only A sweep is operative with the B sweep dor-
ALT: A sweep alternates with the B sweep. For this
mode of operation, the B sweep appears as an in-
tensified section on the A sweep.
B: Only delayed B sweep is operative.
X-Y: Channel 1 becomes the Y axis and channel 2
becomes the X axis for X - Y operation. The setting
of the vertical MODE and TRIG MODE switches
have no effect.
Five-position lever switch; selects triggering mode.
AUTO: Triggered sweep operation. When trigger signal
is present, automatically generates sweep (free
runs in absence of trigger signal.)
NORM: Normal triggered sweep operation. No trace is
presented when a proper trigger signal is not ap-
FIX: S a m e as automatic mode; automatically
generates sweep (free runs) in absence of trigger
signal except trigger threshold is automatically
fixed at center of input signal regardless of set-
ting of LEVEL control.
SINGLE: Single s w e e p operation. In this mode,
simultaneous observation of both the A and B
sweeps is not possible.
For single sweep operation in dual or triple trace,
vertical MODE must not be set to A L T . Use the
CHOP mode instead.
RESET: This is the reset switch for single sweep opera-
tion. Setting to RESET returns the switch to the
SINGLE position; READY indicator @) goes ON
and stays ON until main sweep (A sweep) is
@ READY Indicator
In SINGLE triggering mode, lights when A TRIG MODE
switch is set to RESET and goes off when main sweep (A
sweep) is completed.
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