Special Device Settings
Number of EXP-1800s
You can expand the number of single-ended analog input channels
connected to your DAS-1800 board by using one to sixteen EXP-1800
expansion boards. Each EXP-1800 is a 1-to-16 multiplexer that replaces
one onboard channel with sixteen expansion channels. Configure your
DriverLINX Logical Device to use the additional channels by entering the
number of EXP-1800s here. See “Analog Input Multiplexer” on page
C-11 for details on accessing multiplexer channels.
Simultaneous sample and hold configuration
You can connect one to two external Simultaneous-Sample-and-Hold
(SSH-8) units to the DAS-1800 analog input subsystem. Enter the number
of SSH-8s connected in the
Configure DAS-1800 Options
dialog box.
For each SSH-8 unit, select the number in the
list box and enter the
following configuration parameters:
Base channel — specify which A/D input channel connects to an
SSH-8 unit.
Channel gain — click on the channel and then select its SSH-8
external amplifier gain.
Channel offset — click on the channel and then select its channel
Disable AO recycle mode
For the DAS-1800AO hardware, DriverLINX can automatically promote
AO tasks meeting certain criteria to run from the DAC FIFO buffer in
recycle mode. If the
Disable AO recycle mode
box is checked,
DriverLINX will not use recycle mode. If the box is not checked,
DriverLINX will use recycle mode for applicable tasks. See “Analog
Output Subsystem” on page C-15 for details.
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