Initial settings
Configuring initial e-mail settings
To use E-mail, subscription is required. If you do not
subscribe at the time of purchase, contact an au shop or
Customer Service Center.
In the home screen, (E-mail)
A screen asking "パケット通信料が発生します。接続しますか? (A
packet communication charge will be applied. Do you want
to connect?)" appears. Tap [OK] to obtain E-mail address.
◎ The E-mail address obtained in the step above can be changed
in the following steps:
1. On the E-mail top screen, press
→"E-mail settings"
2. Select "Other settings" → "OK"
3. "Eメールアドレスの変更 (Changing e-mail address)"
4. Tap password entry field → Enter a password (four digits) →
"送信 (Send)"
5. "承諾する (Agree)"
6. Tap e-mail address entry field → Enter the part of the address
preceding "@" (customizable part) → "送信 (Send)" → "OK"