Road Surfaces
The power wheelchair is designed optimally for level surfaces; such as concrete, asphalt and indoor
ground flooring.
Do not use the wheelchair on sand, loose soil or uneven surfaces to prevent the wheels, bearings, motor
and other parts from being damaged or loosened.
Driving in Traffic Environment
Beware of the local traffic regulations on public roads.
You must be aware of that it is dangerous to drive on public roads or parking lots
For increased visibility at night, the wheelchair has light reflecting
markers (Fig. B1, B2). It is highly recommended that you wear light
reflective clothing while driving at night.
When operating the wheelchair in traffic amongst motor vehicles,
make sure the driver notices you. Before you continue to operate
the wheelchair, make eye contact with the driver and make
gestures to show your intention until you are sure it is safe to drive.
Vehicle Transport
Please try not to sit in the wheelchair when taking any forms of transportation such as buses, metros trains,
planes or ships.
If you take such forms of transportation while remaining in the wheelchair, it is extremely important that
you fasten your seat belt, and find a place where the wheels or body of the wheelchair can be fixed to
avoid injury in the event of a sudden stop or a traffic accident.
Do not place the wheelchair in the front row of the vehicle so as not to interfere with the driving.
When you get on and off the transportation vehicles, try not to sit in the wheelchair. If you need to be
transferred without getting off the wheelchair, never allow anyone to lift the wheel
rear backrest. The wheelchair must be lifted by firmly gripping the front and rear edges of the seat cushion
Driving Balance
level surfaces; such as concrete, asphalt and indoor
or uneven surfaces to prevent the wheels, bearings, motor
Please try not to sit in the wheelchair when taking any forms of transportation such as buses, metros trains,
If you take such forms of transportation while remaining in the wheelchair, it is extremely important that
, and find a place where the wheels or body of the wheelchair can be fixed to
Do not place the wheelchair in the front row of the vehicle so as not to interfere with the driving.
When you get on and off the transportation vehicles, try not to sit in the wheelchair. If you need to be
wheelchair by the armrest or
d by firmly gripping the front and rear edges of the seat cushion
Keep the balance and stability of the power wheelchair
over while driving.
The following factors may affect the weight distribution of the wheelchair:
Height and angle of the wheelchair
Seating position, or weight loading position of the user’s body.
The gradient of the ramp or slope.
Whether backpacks or other items are used to change the total weight
and weight distribution of the wheelchair
Do not drive the wheelchair when the backrest is adjusted to a low
otherwise, there is a risk of rollover
you need to modify or adjust the power wheelchair
consult your supplier in advance and obtain the manufacturer's
authorization. The modified wheelchair may require additional
adjustments to correct the balance. Operate the modified
wheelchair with special caution until you are familiar with the
balance and the means to avoid falling or tipping over.
Getting On/Off
It is dangerous to move your body by yourself because i
good balance and flexibility. Whenever moving your body, it is
recommended to have a supporting point that is higher than the seat
cushion to avoid falling.
Before getting on the wheelchair, ensure that the power is off.
Otherwise, if you touch the joystick, it may lead to an
unexpected movement.
Make sure that the motor is in “Lock” position
not move on its own.
Consult your health care professionals about
your body in and out of the wheelchair.
Learn how to position your body and how to support yourself
while moving.
Ask others to help you until you are sure that you can safely get
on and off the wheelchair.
Move the wheelchair as close as possible to the target position. If
possible, please use the related auxiliary equipment.
Turn up the footrest with your hands or feet (Fig. B3), then hold the seat cushion
or armrests to give yourself a suitable way to get
Do not stand on the footrest to move your body
Lift the footrest up before you get on the
When you get off the wheelchair, please lift up the footrest first
getting on/off to avoid falling), or press the armrest unlock
armrest and get off from the side (Fig. B4).
the balance and stability of the power wheelchair to avoid tipping
The following factors may affect the weight distribution of the wheelchair:
Seating position, or weight loading position of the user’s body.
Whether backpacks or other items are used to change the total weight
wheelchair when the backrest is adjusted to a low level,
you need to modify or adjust the power wheelchair, please
and obtain the manufacturer's
The modified wheelchair may require additional
. Operate the modified
wheelchair with special caution until you are familiar with the
balance and the means to avoid falling or tipping over.
by yourself because it requires
Whenever moving your body, it is
recommended to have a supporting point that is higher than the seat
wheelchair, ensure that the power is off.
Otherwise, if you touch the joystick, it may lead to an
position and the wheelchair will
Consult your health care professionals about the safest way to move
Learn how to position your body and how to support yourself
Ask others to help you until you are sure that you can safely get
Move the wheelchair as close as possible to the target position. If
the related auxiliary equipment.
the footrest with your hands or feet (Fig. B3), then hold the seat cushion
or armrests to give yourself a suitable way to get on the wheelchair.
Do not stand on the footrest to move your body to avoid the injury.
the footrest up before you get on the wheelchair to avoid obstruction.
, please lift up the footrest first. (Do not stand on the footrest while
ress the armrest unlocking button on either side, then pull up the