• Engine starts backwards: 2 stroke reed valve engines can generally run in either direction.
Make sure the prop is flipped forcefully through the compression stroke. Without enough
force, the prop may "bounce" off compression and run backwards.
Please give us the opportunity to help first!
• Being a high performance 2 stroke engine, certain parts can wear quickly. Under normal
operation, pistons, piston rings, needle bearings, spark plugs, etc. may need occasional
non-warranty replacement to insure peak performance. Other factors can hasten the need
for replacement parts such as ingested dirt and debris, exceedingly high temperatures due to
improper lubrication, airflow, improper needle adjustments, excessive prop loads, etc.
• If the engine has been involved in a crash or severe prop strike, inspect it carefully for any
signs of damage before operating the engine. Make sure nothing was ingested into the
engine. Check that the prop hub rotates freely and without any "run out" or wobble. Look for
any signs of cracks in the case, especially near the motor mount area. If the spark plug cap
shows any damage, do not operate the ignition. If there is a short inside the cap, it can cause
damage to the ignition module.
• Screws can come loose! After a few flights check that all screws are secure. Periodically
check that all screws are tightened to the correct torque rating. If exhaust flange screws
become loose, the flange face and threaded holes can be damaged to the point where the
header or muffler won't stay tight and the cylinder needs to be repaired or replaced.
Care must be taken to not over tighten the carb mounting bolts. Over tightening can
distort and damage the injected molded reed valve parts and rubber gaskets.
• Inspect the engine periodically for any signs of fuel seepage. This can indicate an air leak
which can create a lean fuel/air ratio, which in turn can cause erratic running and engine
damage. If tightening the appropriate screws does not cure the problem, contact KCS
Manuals may be updated with additional tips and trouble-shooting info from time to time.
Please check our web site www.kcsengine.com for current downloadable manuals and
updates or contact KCS ENGINE.
Remember! This motor can stop at any time, for a variety of reasons. Do not
fly your plane in a way that damage or harm will result if the motor stops
running. KCS ENGINE will not be responsible for damage caused in
engine–out situations.