Fuel and Oil Mix
• Use Premium pump gas, such as 91 to 93 octane.
• We recommend purchasing your fuel from “name brand” gas stations. We have seen
problems with cheaper gas from some discount type outlets.
• We recommend filtering your fuel between your fuel container and your plane’s fuel tank.
• Make sure the plane’s tank is well vented and the fuel clunk moves freely.
Use of any other fuel or additives such as nitro formulas, aviation gas, white gas, etc.,
can harm the motor and void the warranty.
• Do not use silicone sealers on the fuel system. Gas can break it down and carry it into the
• We recommend a high quality synthetic oil. Some oils, and their mix ratios, that KCS
ENGINE recommends are: During break-in stage use 30 to 1. After the break-in stage use 35
to 1.
Break-In Phase
• The engine should run well from the beginning and improve as flight hours accumulate. We
do not recommend breaking the engine in on a test stand. The stationary load and lack of air
ducting can lead to engine over-heating. Proceed with flying once the engine is tuned and
running correctly. Engine break-in can be a slow process, taking place over many hours of
flight time. Peak RPM will improve along with idle characteristics as run time accumulates.
• Special "break in only" props are not required;
however we recommend that the cowl
must be removed during on-the-ground break-in phase for better cooling of the
The recommended speed for a Break-in phase should be:
1800rpm for 30min. (Idling Speed)
4000rpm for 5min.
1800rpm for 1min.
End of Break-in phase on the ground
Once the upper step has been completed, then it is possible to adjust the acceleration up to
the owners liking.
Remark: Max. RPM should not exceed more than 10 seconds.