session in order to enable the run-on of the pump.
The condensate hose must be guided into the tank
without any kinks and up to a level that does not
exceed the installation level by more than 25 cm.
Regular and scrupulous maintenance of the unit
helps preserve both reliability and a stable value of
the device over a long period of time.
Figure 36.1: Condensate pump
Audio system with mp3 sound
The assembly underneath the bed pane (head area)
comprises the following components:
• megaVoice, the acoustic user guide,
• mp3 sound box for the “Music” option, and
• I2C audio switch
The audio switch is used for I2C bus adaptation,
for connecting an external audio signal with volume
control and the connections to the MP3 players. The
memory card for the mp3 sound box can be ex-
changed after the bed pane has been opened.
Figure 36.2: Installation underneath the bed pane
Figure 36.3: With SD audio card
Figure 36.4: SD card ; push to disengage, then pull out.
Figure 36.5: SD card; slide in till it engages
O p e r a t i n g I n s t r u c t i o n s
mon amie