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Assemble the starting motor in place after evenly applying oil to the slot end of the starting motorand fasten
with 2pcs of GB/T16674 small plate boltsM6×25.Fastening torque 11
Installation of right crankcase cover
Remove the old right crankcase gasket, install the new gasket, mount the right crankcase cover in place and
fasten with 10pcs of GB/T16674 small disc bolts M6×30.Fastening torque
2. Mount the pump impeller to the pump shaft and fasten it.Fastening torque
3. Mount the pump cover seal pad and assemble the pump cover in place, then fasten with 3 pcs of GB/T16674
M6×35 and 1 pc of GB/T16674 M6×35 small disc bolts.
Magnetors and balancing main and driven Gear
Maintenance instructions
Removal of the left crankcase cover
Removal of the stator of the magneto
Removal of the motor rotor
Removal of balancing main and slave gears
Removal of oil pump for left body machine
Inspection of left crankcase cover
Inspection of magnetic motor stator and rotor
Inspection of main and driven gear
Inspection of the left body oil pump
Installation of the left body oil pump
Installation of the main and driven gear
Installation of the magneto rotor
Installation of the magneto stator
Installation of the left crankcase cover
Maintenance instructions
This section describes the removal and installation of the magneto and balance main and slave teeth, as long as
the left crankcase cover is removed without removal of the engine.
For magnetic motor inspection, please refer to the battery charging system section.