Juice Dispenser FSD4000
© K. & M. Holland GmbH
© K. & M. Holland GmbH
Juice Dispenser FSD4000
Subject to technical change without prior notice! Version 2.0, 11/2017
Subject to technical change without prior notice! Version 2.0, 11/2017
7.7 Temperature controller for cooling system
The cooling system is switched on when the „cooling block temperature“ + „cooling block hys-
teresis“ is exceeded. Also when you push the button and the „cooling block temperature“ is
over the setpoint. The cooling system is switched off when the „cooling block temperature“ is
under the setpoint.
7.8 Temperature controller for condenser fan
The condenser fan is switched on when the „condenser max. temperature“ is over the setpoint.
When the setpoint is under the „condenser max. temperature“ the fan is switched off.
7.9 Concentrate area temperature control
The concentrate area fan blows cold air from the cold block area into the concentrate area. The
concentrate area temperature is regulated with the „concentrate area“ temperature. The fan is
controlled via a PWM signal. The parameter „maximum manipulated variable“ can be used to
limit the manipulated variable output for the fan.
With the parameters „forced interval“ and „forced duration“ a mixing of the concentrate area
can be forced independently of the temperature controller. During the „forced duration“, the
„maximum manipulated variable“ is displayed.
7.10 Standby
After the power supply is switched on, the control is in standby mode. In this condition, the
push buttons, button lighting, cup region lighting and the door light are deactivated. The dis-
play shows „OFF“. The cooling is in operation. Use the green Standby-Button to switch between
standby and normal operation.
7.11 State transition Standby – Normal – Standby
During the state transition from standby to normal mode, the water valve opens and the juice
outlets will be flushed automatically for the duration of the set „flush time“. During the flushing
the display shows „OFF“. The flushing can be interrupted by pressing the green Standby-Button
during the flushing process. During the flushing the reference value for pure water is determi
ned. This reference value is required for the „Bag empty“ detection.
After switch on the power supply, the „First flushing“ starts instead of the „Intermediate flushing“.