Draining the cooling oil from the oil separator tank:
1. Place the oil receptacle below the oil separator tank drain point
2. Remove the screwed sealing cap from the cooling oil drain of the oil separator tank.
3. Open the corresponding shut-off valve and collect the coolant.
4. Clean the screw plug and screw in with a new gasket.
Draining the oil from the airend and oil cooler
1. Place the oil receptacle below the airend/oil cooler drain point
2. Remove the screwed sealing cap from the cooling oil drain of the airend/oil cooler.
3. Open the corresponding shut-off valve and collect the coolant.
4. Clean the screw plug and screw in with a new gasket.
Performing final work steps:
1. Replace the plug in the oil separator tank filling port.
2. Close the access door and replace the panel.
Dispose of used oil and oil-contaminated working materials according to environmental pro‐
tection regulations.
Further information See chapter 10.6.2 for cooling oil filling.
10.6.4 Replacing the compressor oil filter
Material Spare part
Oil receptacle
Cleaning cloths
Precondition The machine is switched off.
The machine is fully vented, the pressure gauge reads 0 psig.
The machine has cooled down.
All compressed air consumers are disconnected and the air outlet valves are open.
The «battery isolating switch» is turned off.
Danger of burning from hot components and oil.
➤ Wear long-sleeved clothing and gloves.
10 Maintenance
10.6 Compressor Maintenance
No.: 901779 08 USE
Operator Manual Portable Rotary Screw Compressor