K1EL K45 CW Keyboard and Reader Manual K45B
K-45 User’s Manual - Rev B.0
Page 7
1:CQX1 2:RST
5:73 6:PSE RPT
Figure 5 – Message Launcher Menu Example
Since only eight messages are shown per screen, the up/down arrows are used to view F9, F10, F11, and
F12. If a keyboard is not connected, Message Launcher can be opened with a quick press of the encoder
button. A cursor is displayed which can be moved by turning the encoder. Once the desired message is
selected, press the encoder to start it. The K45 will remember the last selected message so that the next
time the menu is brought up, the cursor will be placed there. If the Message Launcher is accessed by
mistake, simply press, and hold the encoder button to cancel the launcher.
Using figure 5 as an example, simply press 3 to start the NAME message. After the message is selected,
the message launcher will clear automatically. To cancel the menu, just press ESC.
ESC-O – Start Low Power Standby
When the K45 is not going to be used for a while, it can be placed into low power standby mode. The K45
will not be completely powered off so it can be brought back to normal by turning the encoder two clicks.
Power is reduced about 60% when in low power standby, backlight is turned off, and “Standby” is displayed.
Low power standby can also be started by pressing and holding the encoder button for about 8 seconds.
ESC-P - Practice Mode
There is an extensive set of Morse practice tools built into the K45. Random Letter Groups, Echo Sending,
and QSO simulation are included. A separate section devoted to Practice Modes starts on Page 15.
ESC-R – RTTY Setup Menu
The K45 can be configured to operate in RTTY transmit mode. The format is fixed to Baudot FSK with many
options. A separate section on RTTY configuration and operation starts on Page 17.
ESC S - Serial Number Setup Menu
The K45 provides a means to send an incrementing serial number either from the keyboard or as part of a
message. This menu provides a means to control the way a serial number is sent. Cuts are letters that will
be substituted when serial numbers are sent, this reduces transmit time. As illustrated in Fig 6, the most
common mappings are T for 0 and N for 9 since they take the longest to send. It's the user's choice as to
how far to go with this, usually only one or two numbers are set up as cuts. It’s optional and perfectly fine to
not use cuts at all. Also included in this menu is leading zero suppression control. This can be turned on and
off by hitting the space bar. One or no leading zeroes will be sent as specified by the LZ entry. The serial
number can be preset to a specific starting value in Configuration Menu #5 (see page 30)
= S/N Cuts & LZero =
0:T 1:1 2:2 3:3
4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7
8:8 9:N LZ = OFF
Figure 6 – Serial Number Format Menu (LZ is changed by space bar press)
ESC-U - Firmware Upgrade Menu
The K45 PIC processor, the WK3 IC, and the CWR’s PSoC can all be upgraded in the field. Appendix C
starting on page 35 is devoted to the firmware upgrade procedures. Please don't experiment with these
commands, you could accidentally brick the K45 if you don't follow the update procedures correctly. (
means put the K45 into an inoperative state).
Before connecting the K45 to a PC’s USB port, a USB
driver must be installed, refer to appendix D on page 38.
ESC-W - Start WinKeyer Mode
The K45 has the latest WinKeyer3 IC on-board, and this can be accessed and controlled by a host