K1EL K45 CW Keyboard and Reader Manual K45B
K45 User’s Manual – Rev B.0
Page 25
Appendix A – Configuration Menu Layouts and Descriptions
Configuration is accessed by pressing
followed by
. The various options are divided up into five
menus each with eight entries. Use the right and left arrows to move between menu columns and the up and
down arrow keys to move between rows. The selection will wrap from one menu to the next in right or left
directions. The menus will wrap from first to last and last to first which helps in moving between the first and
last menu quickly. Each entry in the menu is indexed by number 1 to 8. You can select this entry just by
entering the number. Otherwise move the selection cursor and press the enter key. This brings up that item
for editing. Some values are toggled by the left/right arrows, other by entering them on the keyboard. When
finished either press ENTER to save or ESC to cancel the change. This returns to the main configuration
menu. From there another item can be selected or press ESC to leave configuration.
There is shortcut to get from the main display to a specific menu: hold
down and then press the desired
menu number (1 to 5).
Configuration can also be accessed by pressing and holding the encoder button down until the menu
appears. Entries are then navigated by turning the encoder. Once a desired entry is reached press the
encoder once quickly to open that entry. Turn the encoder to scroll though the allowable values. Once the
value selection is complete, it is saved by pressing the encoder button again. It is not possible to cancel a
selection made by the encoder. Instead the entry must be re-opened and the value set back to what is was.
In either case, once the item is saved, control is returned to the main configuration menu. To leave
configuration, press and hold the encoder until the menu is replaced by the K45 main window.
Configuration Menu #1
1:TxWPM 5:AutoSpac
2:Weight 6:WordSpac
3:LtrSpc 7:Pdl Samp
4:KeyComp 8:Pdl Hang
Figure 21 – Configuration Menu #1
1:TXWPM - Set the Speed in WPM
Set the CW transmit speed to a rate between 05 and 99 WPM.
2:Weight - Set Keying Weight
Set the keying weight in a percentage from 50% to 150%. When set to 100 % the dit time is equal to the
inter-element time, which is normal. Values less than 50 reduce weighting while values greater than 50
increase weighting. Weighting does not affect sending speed because any increase in keyed time is
subtracted from spacing time. Reduction in weighting results in a thinner sound while increased weighting
results in a heavier sound. Since weighting will track speed, one weighting setting will sound the same at all
50 % weighting
100 % weighting
150 % weighting
Figure 22 – Weighting Timing
3:LtrSpc - Set Extra Letterspace in Percent
Enter a value from 0 to 62, to specify an additional letterspace as a percentage of the default letterspace (3
dit times) to be applied between letters. The maximum adjustment is 62%.
4:KeyComp - Set Key Compensation (0 to 32mSec)
Keying Compensation specifies a fixed amount of time to be added to the length of both dits and dahs. QSK
keying on modern transceivers can cause shortening of these elements which is especially noticeable at
high speeds. The K45 allows the length of the elements to be increased uniformly to compensate for this.
The adjustments are made in one-millisecond steps. The maximum adjustment is 32 mSecs. Key
compensation is very similar to Weighting in that any adjustment added to the dits and dahs is subtracted