K1EL K45 CW Keyboard and Reader Manual K45B
K45 User’s Manual – Rev B.0
Page 39
K45 Specifications
Built-In USB Keyboard Interface
Iambic CW Paddle Interface
PTT Output: Solid state relay +/- 300VDC
Key Output: Solid state relay +/- 300VDC
Outputs are optically isolated
Adjustable lead in and tail delays
Adjustable Speed 5-149 WPM
Adjustable Weighting
Adjustable Keying Compensation
Built-In Sidetone Generator with
On Board Speaker
20 Char by 4 Row LCD Display
Rotary Encoder for fast WPM change
12 Message memories
Message Pushbutton
Operating Voltage: 5-volt USB
WinKeyer Mode through
USB Host interface
Current: < 140 ma (less keyboard)
Embedded commands in messages
Iambic A, B, Ultimatic, and Straight Key
Built in CW practice modes
First Dit/Dah adjustable correction
Automatic paddle watchdog
Flexible Beacon Modes
HSCW/QRSS Output Capability
Farnsworth speed mode
Extensive RFI and ESD filtering
Keyboard Paddle
Fast Callsign Capture
LCD contrast and backlight adjustment
CWR Specifications
AF Input Level
100 mV minimum to 5V maximum peak to peak.
Input Audio Filter
2 Pole
PSoC Based Audio Filter
4 Pole
Tone Decode Frequency
725 Hz
Decode Method
Quadrature Correlation Demodulation
Decode Speed Range
10 to 45 WPM
Tuning Indication
10 Level LCD frequency bar graph, auto squelch
Gain Settings
Eight gain levels
Noise Filtering
Eight Digital low pass filter settings
Inter-element Spacing
10 Noise threshold levels
ASR Mode
Automatic display buffer toggle
CWR Processor
Cypress CY8C27243-24 PSoC Processor
Support and Warranty
The K-45 is fully warranted to the original purchaser against defects in materials and workmanship for one
year after purchase. This warranty does not cover damage caused by accident, improper care, or lightning
strikes. Please contact us before returning your K45 for repair and we will issue an RMA. Please submit
questions by e-mail to
Watch our website for latest updates and new products:
While every effort has been made to ensure that the K45 design is as complete and
accurate as possible it is still possible to cause equipment damage or incur personal
injury if:
1) The K45 is not used as intended.
2) Is connected incorrectly.
3) Safety guidelines outlined in this document are not followed.
4) The K45 is modified in any way.
K1EL cannot be held responsible in these or other similar events.
Rev A.1 Firmware Changes:
Improved sidetone adjustment interface and ST board handling
Added ESC-E Export GUI command
When TX buffer is full a block cursor is displayed