K1EL K45 CW Keyboard and Reader Manual K45B
K-45 User’s Manual - Rev B.0
Page 3
Description of the elements contained in the status line as shown in Fig 1:
1) Decoded Rx Morse input speed in WPM
2) Receive Window selection indicator, active when receive window is viewed
3) Real time signal amplitude bar graph with overload indication. Used for CWR tuning
4) User number indicator (1 or 2)
5) Transmit hold (pause) status indicator (flashing H)
6) B=K45 Transmit Busy, P=Paddle Transmit active
7) Message wait indicator (flashing W)
8) Transmit Window selection indicator, active when transmit window is viewed.
9) Transmit speed in WPM
Flash Status indicators
Several important status indicators briefly overwrite the normal status to indicate status or mode changes.
The indicator will automatically clear, and normal status will return after a few seconds.
Some of these indicators are:
1) Parameter change by hot key
2) ESC has been pressed and the K45 is waiting for a command entry
3) BEG or END of a scrolled window
The three text lines below the status line are used mainly for receive and transmit character display but are
also used for many other functions.
CW Reader Module (CWR)
A very good CW reader function is built into the K45. Morse audio from a receiver is fed into the CWR which
then detects, decodes, and displays it on the LCD display. There are four CWR settings available to the user
to adjust gain, noise filtering, character spacing, and signal level thresholding. These settings can be
adjusted in the configuration menu or by special “hot” keys. The CWR is described further in the K45 Quick
Start section starting on page 33.
K45 Window Modes
There are two main display windows; a transmit window and a receive window. The transmit window shows
letters as they are entered on the keyboard to be transmitted. The receive window show letters as they are
received by and decoded by the CWR. The transmit display holds 16 lines (320 letters) and the receive
window holds 64 lines (1024 letters).
In both windows, once entry reaches the end of a line, the display is automatically scrolled up and the cursor
is moved to the left of a new line. An optional word wrap mode can be enabled to break the line at word
boundaries (this setting is in Configuration Menu #5) If word wrap has been enabled then an entire word will
be carried over to the new line. Enabling word wrap applies to both Rx and Tx windows.
It is easy to toggle between receive and transmit windows using the TAB key and it's easy to identify which
window is active. There are two arrows displayed on the status line. When the Rx window is displayed, a left
arrow will point to Rx WPM on the left side of the status line. When the transmit window is active a right
arrow will point to Tx WPM on the right side. Another clue is that only the transmit window has a visible
underline cursor marking the text insertion point. In general, the user monitors on the receive window and
switches over to the Tx window to enter text to send.
ASR (Automatic Send/Receive)
When ASR mode is active, the display is toggled to the transmit window automatically while typing and then
will return to the receive window after the text is sent. If the user selects the Tx window with the TAB key, the
display will lock on Tx until TAB is entered again.
Fast Tx View
It is common for the user to type ahead of the current transmit position or queue up a long message. Since
the Transmit window does not show transmit progress, Fast Tx View is provided to display a real time view
of what the K45 is transmitting. The user presses the Windows key (this key is usually located between the
CTL and ALT keys) and Tx view is activated. When the key is released, the display goes back to the
previous window. Fast Tx View is only available while viewing either the Rx or Tx windows and is ignored for
utility menus such as Configuration, Key mapping, Serial number setup, or during CW practice. To provide
maximum screen density, word wrap is disabled in fast view. Fast View only shows the last three transmitted
lines, back scrolling is not supported.