K1EL K45 CW Keyboard and Reader Manual K45B
K-45 User’s Manual - Rev B.0
Page 5
ESC D – Dump Display Window(s)
The contents of either the Rx or Tx window can be sent over serial USB to a host PC for display or
archiving. When ESC D is pressed, the following menu is shown:
Display Dump Setup
1) Dump Rx Window
2) Dump Tx Window
3) Start CWR Stream
Figure 2 – Display Dump Setup Menu
1) Dump Rx Window: The contents of the CWR Rx window is sent to the host.
2) Dump Tx Window: The contents of the transmit window is sent to the host.
3) Start CWR Stream: A continuous stream of CWR Rx data is sent to the host.
A selection is made by pressing the desired function number. In other words press 1 to Dump Rx, 2 to Dump
Tx and 3 to Start/Stop a CWR stream. To leave the menu without any action, press the ESC key. If the K45
is not connected to a host over USB serial, an error message will display and the menu will be cancelled.
For selections 1 and 2, a message will be displayed while the transfer is happening and the menu will clear
after the entire window content is transferred.
Selection 3 is used to start and stop a continuous transfer of Morse text as it is decoded by the CWR. When
3 is pressed, the stream will start and the menu item will change to “Stop CWR Stream”. After a brief pause
the menu will clear and text will be sent as received. To stop the stream, bring up the Dump Display Window
and press 3. Note it is not possible to dump either the Rx or Tx window while the CWR stream is activated.
There are several terminal programs that run on a PC and receive data over a USB serial connection. The
text is displayed and can be saved to a file. A very popular one is TeraTerm and is freeware. The K45 serial
data settings are fixed at 19200 baud, 8 bit, with no parity.
ESC-E – Export GUI Toggle Command
The K45’s display and keyboard input can be exported to a PC over the K45’s host USB port. A PC
application, K45gui.exe, supplied by K1EL communicates with the K45 for this purpose.
Before connecting
the K45 to a PC’s USB port, a USB driver must be installed, refer to appendix D on page 38.
ESC-H – ESC Help Menu
This brings up a brief list of the ESC commands. Each description is intended to be just enough to jog a
user's memory. Use the up/down arrows to scroll through all of the selections in the menu.
If a command letter is entered, that command will run. For example, enter the letter C to directly activate the
Configuration menu. Otherwise press ESC to cancel the help menu. HOME and END move to the first and
last lines while the left and right arrows toggle back and forth between the Control and ESC help menus.
<<< ESC Commands >>>
C Set Configuration
D Setup Display Dump
H ESC Command Help
Figure 3 – Escape Command Help Menu