K1EL K45 CW Keyboard and Reader Manual K45B
K-45 User’s Manual - Rev B.0
Page 13
Increment Serial Number (Buffered)
- The five-digit serial number is incremented. If equal to 99999 it is not incremented.
Reset Speed (Buffered)
– This will cancel a
, or
command and return to the current default WPM speed.
Set an HSCW Speed (Buffered)
\H<n> n=1 to 6
where n is a number representing the lpm rate divided by 1000.
For example,
selects 2000 lpm and
selects 4000 lpm. Commonly used rates are 1000, 2000, 4000
and 6000 lpm in the USA and 1000, 3000, 4000 lpm in Europe.
HSCW is mostly used for working stations via Meteor Scatter propagation. Short bursts of characters are
sent repetitively at high speeds for a predetermined period. The receiving station listens and records the
sporadically received bursts and plays them back at a slow speed to decipher the Morse message.
: Remember to put a reset speed command
at the end of a message to restore normal CW
operation when the message is completed.
HSCW Operation Hints:
You must enable PTT for this function to work properly. Common practice is to key
the transmitter with PTT and feed keyed audio tones into the microphone input. You can use the K45
sidetone output directly as a tone source as this is a keyed 2000 Hz tone in HSCW mode. Alternatively, you
can use the K45 key output to key an external tone generator. (note need to look at the outputs, PTT is
dropping between chars)
for more information about HSCW
(K1EL BCON sent at 1000 lpm followed by WPM reset
Although it’s possible to send HSCW directly from the keyboard by entering the /Hn command before a
string, the most efficient use of HSCW is to format a specific HSCW message.
Key down for nn seconds (Buffered)
\K<nn> -
The transmitter will be held in key down state until either the timer expires or
is entered. Two
digits must be entered, as in 06 for 6 seconds. Maximum key down time is 99 seconds
ON \K05
a 5 second key down will be inserted between ON and OFF.
Merge Two Letters into a Prosign (Buffered)
\M <C1><C2>
- You can build "on the fly" prosigns with this command. Just enter
followed by two letters
or numbers and they will be merged:
is sent as
If this command is entered on the keyboard,
nothing will be sent until both letters have been entered.
Send Serial Number (Buffered)
- The current five-digit serial number is sent in Morse. If LZ is on (Serial number menu ESC S) all leading
zeroes are suppressed so 00407 would be sent as
. The serial number menu is also be used to map a
number to a cut substitution. If T is mapped to zero,
would be sent.
Change Output Port (Buffered)
– (1 or 2) Select the output port to transmit on. This command will only work when PTT is not
enabled. In other words, select either Key1 or Key 2 in Configuration Menu #2:OutPort.
Pause Output (Buffered)
K45 message transmission will be paused to allow the user to insert something and then continue. The
response can be by keyboard or paddle. If by keyboard, the user must press
to signal the end of the
string. If by paddle the K45 will continue automatically after paddle entry stops for one wordspace time. The
key can be pressed to cancel the pause. Here is an example usage of this command :
After playing
, the K45 will pause to allow an RST report to be sent manually and then continue
with the rest of the message. If using the keyboard, be sure to press
to continue or
to cancel
because the K45 will hang until that happens. Be sure not to put a space after the
command as this can