0845 1204582
JK part numbers:
OEM part number:
Not applicable
Just Kampers, Unit 1 Stapeley Manor, Long Lane, Odiham, Hants. RG29 1JE
NB. Please note that whilst every attempt is made to ensure that these instructions are as
accurate and clear as possible, we cannot be held responsible for misinterpretation of these
instructions or for any subsequent accident or damage caused through mis-fitted parts.
Tech Sheet
Spot Colour Pantone 653
Spot Colour P653/P151
Spot Colour White out
4 Colour Blue
4 Colour White out
4 Colour Blue/Orange
Spot Colours
Process Colours
Page 3 of 7
6. Position flysheet over the awning.
7. Unpack the five porch poles and assemble.
6. Unfold the flysheet and position it over
the top of the awning (requires two people).
Make sure the awning tunnel (black skirts) is
positioned on the side WITHOUT the JK Logo.
At each corner attach the clip on the flysheet
to the corresponding clip at the base of each
leg and adjust to tension the flysheet.
Attach the two Velcro tabs found on the four
outer legs.
7. Unpack the five poles for the front porch.
Attach the two curved end pieces to the
centre span, creating a three piece porch pole.
5. Unzip the entrance door and step inside,
push the centre hub upwards from underneath,
this will ‘pop’ into position.
Zip shut the entrance door as you exit.
Attach the remaining clip straps found at each
5. Step inside, push up centre hub -
it will ‘pop’ into place. Attach leg clips.