0845 1204582
JK part numbers:
OEM part number:
Not applicable
Just Kampers, Unit 1 Stapeley Manor, Long Lane, Odiham, Hants. RG29 1JE
NB. Please note that whilst every attempt is made to ensure that these instructions are as
accurate and clear as possible, we cannot be held responsible for misinterpretation of these
instructions or for any subsequent accident or damage caused through mis-fitted parts.
Tech Sheet
Spot Colour Pantone 653
Spot Colour P653/P151
Spot Colour White out
4 Colour Blue
4 Colour White out
4 Colour Blue/Orange
Spot Colours
Process Colours
Page 4 of 7
9. The porch pole must be positioned centrally.
10. CAREFULLY insert the pins on the
end sections into the holes on both leg straps.
9. BEWARE! The porch pole assembly MUST
be positioned centrally in the pocket or there
will be uneven tension when inserting the end
pins, risking damage to the awning.
10. Attach the two end sections to the porch
pole and then CAREFULLY insert the pins on
the end sections into the holes on both leg
This requires two people and some care to
avoid damaging the awning.
8. CAREFULLY push the porch pole through
the pocket on the leading edge of the porch.
This requires some patience!
8. Push the porch pole through the porch pocket.