Known Problems and Limitations
Release 11.1.0
no qos-parameter-define definition
command does not delete the
specified QoS parameter definition. [Defect ID 176844]
: Remove the interface and add the desired QoS parameters
when you re-create the interface instead of deleting the definition.
When 32,000 subscribers with 128,000 QoS queues are brought up on an ES2
10G or ES2 10G ADV LM, the LM resets if you modify the QoS profile that
contains the best-effort IP or VLAN node rule, which references a scheduler
profile configured with shared shaping rate, to a scheduler profile configured
with legacy shaping rate. [Defect ID 183291]
: To avoid this problem, apply shared shaping on the best-effort
queue, instead of on the best-effort node.
Simple shared shaping does not function correctly when it is used for 32,000
subscribers on an ES2 10G ADV LM. However, when you change the shaper to
compound shared shaping, it works properly. Also, simple shared shaping does
not function correctly for 16,000 subscribers on an ES2 10G ADV LM. [Defect
ID 183512]
When you configure an E120 or E320 router with an ES2 10G ADV LM as a LAC
on one side of an L2TP tunnel and as a LNS to receive packets from the LAC on
the other side of the tunnel, use RADIUS servers for authentication of
subscribers on both sides of the tunnel, and attempt to bring up 16,000
subscribers on the L2TP tunnel, the LM that has subscribers on the LAC side of
the tunnel resets when approximately 8000 logged-in subscribers are logged
out and try to reestablish the connection. [Defect ID 184118]
After stateful SRP switchover, forwarding of VPN traffic might not resume if the
core interface that carries an MPLS base tunnel with LDP over RSVP-TE flaps
(constantly goes up and down). [Defect ID 182019]