All brick flues or any flue previously used with
solid fuel or gas appliances must be left with the
appropriate debris collection volume below the flue
spigot of the stove of litres minimum, and depth of
50 mm minimum below the spigot as shown in fig. 9.
Block, clay, cement or steel lined (connected to the top
of the appliance opening) flues either new or previ-
ously used with GAS appliances may have the smaller
debris collection volume of litres minimum and
depth of 75 mm minimum below the flue spigot.
Make sure that there will be at least 50 mm clear-
ance between the end of the spigot and knee of the
fireback for flue gases. Also make sure that the spigot
will pass through the closure plate by a minimum of
5 mm. It can be extended by up to 50 mm (6”) to
ensure this requirement is met using a purpose-made
extension or suitable piece of flue pipe. Cut a closure
plate from sheet aluminum or steel to just cover the
appliance opening to be used. It is also possible to use
other fireproof materials providing they are properly
supported and sealed and can be removed annually
for inspection and clearing of the flue. Cut a spigot
hole as shown in the fig. 9. Fix the closure plate to the
wall or appliance and seal it correctly to the wall. The
plate must be sealed correctly to the wall using adhe-
sive sealant, screws and/or tape able to withstand at
least 3 degrees C. The appliance will not work correctly
and may cut out repeatedly if the sealing of the appli-
ance and flue is not correct.
Remember, if the closure plate extends beyond
the sides or top of the stove, a non-combustible
decorative panel can be fitted to cover the area. The
closure plate can then be fitted to this. Marble in-fill
panels are a common example. Install the appliance
and connect to the gas supply and carry out a smoke
test on the flue as described in the relevant section of
this manual.
Assembly Prior To Installation
The product is delivered in package. In the firebox you
will find the propane fuel conversion kit, four decora-
tive pipe brackets, and a log set that includes a bag of
textured embers.
. Remove the Top Plate of the stove by simply lifting it
straight off of the stove body.
. To open the firebox, disengage the two Glass Frame
Latches located on top of the firebox. Pull each handle
forward to clear the latch from the notch in the frame.
See fig. 0.
3. Remove the parts wrapped in packaging. Use gloves
to handle the ceramic logs, as they can cause skin ir-
4. Familiarize yourself with the installation require-
ments specified in this manual, before beginning the
installation. If the product is going to be used with
Propane G3 rather than G0 natural gas, it should be
converted now. See the instructions supplied with the
conversion kit.
Glass Frame
Figure 10. Pull spring latch to disengage from glass frame.
Minimum Clearances from Combustible
Material to the Vent System
All pipe components must be installed according to ap-
proval and the instructions of the manufacturer. Adhere
to the instructions of the manufacturer as regards clear-
ance from to the vent system to combustible material.
When moving the chimney the clearance from
combustible material to the upper side of horizontal
pipe must be minimum 00 mm. The clearance from the
bottom of the vent pipe to combustible material must be
minimum 75 mm.
For UK installation, please comply with BS 5440- which
states that for every kW above 7 kW gas input, there
must be 5 cm of additional purpose provided ventilation.
For example: if the input is 8.7 kW (see stove data
badge) this requires .7 kW x 5 cm = 8.5 cm of perma-
nent ventilation.
For other countries, please consult local regulations
and standards.