Figure 5: SA bus terminal block wiring
The SA PWR/SHLD terminal does not supply 15 VDC. The SA PWR/SHLD terminal is
isolated and can be used to connect (daisy chain) the 15 VDC power leads on the SA bus
(Figure 5) or the cable shields on the FC bus (Figure 4). The SA bus supervisor supplies 15 VDC
to devices on the SA Bus requiring power.
SA/FC bus port
The SA/FC bus port on the front of the controller is an RJ-12, 6-position modular jack that provides a
connection for devices on the SA bus, a Bluetooth
Commissioning Converter, an FX- ZFR/ZFR Pro
Wireless Router (depending on which bus the FX-PCX is operating on).
The SA/FC bus port is connected internally to the SA/FC bus terminal block. See Table 5 for more
information. The SA/FC Bus Port pin assignment is shown in the Pin Number Assignments figure
Figure 6: Pin number assignments for sensor, SA bus and FC bus ports on controllers
FX-PCX17 and FX-PCX27 Expansion Input/Output Module Installation Instructions