• Prior to performing this procedure, be sure the controller has been converted from BACnet to N2
protocol first.
• This special configuration is required because controller addresses above 127 were originally
intended for use with the Wireless Field Bus system.
1. Disconnect the 24 VAC supply from the controller.
2. Remove the FC Bus connector from the controller.
3. Set the address switch set to the desired N2 address.
4. Set the address switch segment labeled 128 to OFF.
5. Reconnect the 24 VAC supply to the controller.
6. Using an CCT tool connection at the FX-PC controller’s SA bus, download the firmware and
controller application file. The download process asks to confirm switching the communication
protocol to N2.
7. Click
8. After the download is finished, disconnect the 24 VAC supply to the FX-PC controller.
9. Set the address switch segment labeled 128 to ON.
10. Reattach the FC Bus connector to the FX-PC controller.
11. Reconnect the 24 VAC supply to the FX-PC controller.
Setting the EOL switch
Each FX-PC controller has an EOL switch, which, when set to ON (up), sets the FX-PC controller as a
terminating device on the bus. See Figure 2 for the EOL switch location on the FX-PC controller. The
default EOL switch position is OFF (down). The amber EOL LED illuminates to show the EOL is active.
Figure 10: EOL switch positions
To set the EOL switch on an FX-PC controller:
1. Determine the physical location of the controller on the SA or FC Bus.
2. Determine if the controller must be set as a terminating device on the bus.
The EOL termination rules for SA Buses and FC Buses are different. Refer to the
PC Series Controllers MSTP Communications Bus Technical Bulletin (LIT-12011670)
for detailed
information regarding EOL termination rules and EOL switch settings on SA and FC Buses.
3. If the controller is a terminating device on the FC Bus, set the EOL switch to ON. If the
controller is not a terminating device on the bus, set the EOL switch to OFF.
When the EOL switch is set to ON, the LED light on the face of the controller is
FX-PCV1615/1626/1628/1630 Programmable VAV Box Controllers Installation Instructions