The CMS-1655 comes pre-configured
Quad Station Monitor
mode. If your
application requires monitoring less than four
controllers or parameters, then the monitoring
mode can be re-configured in the next step
Figure 6
Specifying Network Address(es)
Once the monitoring mode is selected, the
user is prompted to specify the subnetwork
address(es) of the monitored controllers. Use
the address sliders to specify the address
for each monitored controller, and tap
to save the new configuration settings (see
Figure 7
). If
Triple Station Monitor
mode is selected, then the screen below in
Figure 7
will be replaced by one with two or
three address sliders, respectively.
Single Station Monitor
mode is selected, in
addition to specifying the subnetwork address
of the controller to be monitored, the
must also be selected. There are two
viewing mode options available for single
station monitor mode:
Standard View
Status-Only View
. Standard view presents
the normal single sensor viewing screen with
the two simulated LCD windows at the top
and bottom of the display. Status-only view
presents the user with a view free of numeric
values (see
Figure 8
Selecting Individual Parameters
The CMS-1655 is capable of monitoring up
to four parameters of up to four independent
JCI controllers. Once the individual controllers
have been specified, the parameters at each
monitored controller may be selected. This is
accomplished by tapping the orange button
on the main display (
see Figure 9
). Tapping
this button invokes a detailed screen which
includes all six of the analog input parameters
currently being monitored at the selected
station. To change which parameter gets
displayed at the main screen of the CMS-
1655, select the individual parameter on the
details screen and tap the
Adding Password Security
The CMS-1655 menu system may be
protected by adding as many as ten user-
specified passwords to the system. A
password entry may be created by selecting
System Setup >> Password Setup >> Add
Password and the user is prompted to enter
a minimum of four and up to eight digits (see
Figure 10
All password entries are stored in non-volatile
memory, and are preserved while the unit
is powered down. If a password has been
forgotten, there is a factory-default override
password that will provide access to the user
menu system. Please consult with the factory
for more information regarding this password.
Due to continuous improvement, JCI reserves the right to change product specifications without notice.
Fig 7. Specify Addresses for each
Monitored Controller
Fig 6. Selecting Monitoring Mode
Fig 8. Status-only View
Fig 9. Selecting Individual Parameters