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• If the authorized dealership charges you for repairs
which you feel should be covered under your
warranty, please get a detailed receipt for the work
done. Make sure that this receipt lists all warranty
repairs and parts that were involved. (This receipt
will be similar to the one used by the dealer who
normally services your vehicle.)
• When your vehicle returns to the United States,
contact the DaimlerChrysler Customer Assistance
Center (section 7.2) for reimbursement consideration.
You will normally need to provide a copy of the
receipt, your vehicle registration and any otherrel-
evant documents.
• Reimbursement will not be considered if the vehicle
does not return to the United States.
D. If You Move:
If you move to another country, be sure to contact
the DaimlerChrysler Customer Assistance Center
(section 7.2) and the customs department of the
destination country before you move. Vehicle
importation rules vary considerably from country to
country. You may be required to present documen-
tation of your move to DaimlerChrysler in order to
continue your warranty coverage. You may also be
required to obtain documentation from
DaimlerChrysler in order to register your vehicle in
your new country.
E. Notice:
If your vehicle is registered outside of the United
States, and you have not followed the procedure set
out above, your vehicle will no longer be eligible for