E137 - Subtotal compulsory
- It indicates that it has been tried to continue
an operation without the pression of key
SUB TOTAL to the inside of a procedure
where instead the SUB TOTAL is obligatory,
recording TMB, prints of the VAT (on INVOI-
CE or receipt), Foreign Currency exchange,
PB, etc....
E138 - not cash on F/C key
- It indicates that it has been tried to close
receipt with a TOTAL set to "Sum in the
Credits totalizer" after to have executed the
calculation of the F.C.exchange.
E139 - over subtotal limit
- It indicates that the executed operation (TMB,
PLU, %, R.M., etc...) bring the SUB TOTAL
in negative ; this, in case of R.M. or TMB, can
only happens if the Status System 6.H is set
to 0 (zero) "automatic balance of bill not
E140 - subtotal overflow
- it indicates that it has been exceeded the
maximum amount which admitted in the
E141 - PLU code C/D error
- Indicates that the digit of Check Digit intro-
duced after PLU code EAN13 is not correct.
E142 - PLU code digits over
- It indicates that it has been tried to memorize
in the ECR's memory a PLU code with more
than 13 figures.
E143 - Supervisor code
- It indicates that the code of Supervisor inser-
ted is not corrected.
E144 - Key code
- Indicates that the code inserted before the
pression of the key "key " in order to go in a
different mode (Eg. X, Z, P, Training, etc...)
is one wrong code and therefore not pre-
viewed .
E145 - clerk code
- It indicates that the secret clerk code inser-
ted is not correct.
E147 - amount for change
- Indicates that the inserted amount for over
tendering on receipt in course, is lower to the
total of the same receipt.
E148 - SLIP/PB error
- It indicates that it has been executed a
wrong and not previewed operation during
the printing of operations relative to PB on
the Slip Printer.