AP-1600T-PMCL | AP-3200T-PMCL | User Manual (Ver. 2.0)
Short ASCII Command List
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Short ASCII Command List
All configuration of the camera is done via the RS-232C port. The camera can be set up from a PC
running terminal emulator software.
Below is the description of the ASCII based short command protocol.
Communication Setting
Baud Rate
9600 (Startup)
Data Length
Start Bit
Stop Bit
1 bit
Xon/Xoff Control
Protocol (Short ASCII Command)
Transmit the Setting Command to Camera
NN is any kind of the command.
Send to camera: GA=0 <CR><LF>
Camera response: COMPLETE<CR><LF>
When camera receives a valid command, camera will return 'COMPLETE'. If camera receives an
invalid command, camera will return following:
Send to camera: GAX=0 <CR><LF>
Camera response: 01 Unknown Command!!<CR><LF>
Send to camera: GA=10000 <CR><LF>
Camera response: 02 Bad Parameters!!<CR><LF>