The JA-82Y GSM communicator installers manual
13. Communicator programming sequence overview
Sequences beginning with “8“ are also accessible from Maintenance mode if the change of telephone numbers in Maintenance mode is enabled (OASiS control panel sequence
Possible options
Factory default settings
Communicator language setting
991 xx
xx=01 to 18
Language selection affects SMS texts and basic
voice menu features
GSM signal strength measuring
range 1/4 to 4/4, exit by pressing #
Tel. number programming for reporting to
81 M xx..x
= memory 1 to 8; 0 is for the own SIM card
= tel. number (max.20 digits)
keying in *9 i, keying in *7 inserts * ,
81 M *0 erases the number in memory M
- remote control by unanswered calls
– see 3.4
all M1 to M8 erased
Selection of events to report by SMS
82 M uu x
= tel. number memory 1 to 8
= event code, see the 3.4
no report
in a split system, alarm reports are defined for
sections A, B, or ABC
M1 alarms and faults from sections A, B, C by SMS.
M2 and M3 Alarms from sections A, C by SMS and
phone calls
M5 and M6 alarms from sections B, C by SMS and
phone calls
M4 alarms from A, C and M7 alarms from B, C by
M8 faults only by SMS from A, B, C sections
Selection of events to report by phone call
83 M uu x
See the List of events which can be reported to
your phone and their factory default settings
Codes associated with enrolled telephones
84 M xxxx
If a codeless SMS arrives from telephone number
M, xxxx is used as a code, keying in
84 M *0
the given code
No code
Allowing remote access from telephone
85 M x
Allow remote access by authorized numbers M1
x=1 allow, x=2 deny
SMS and instruction text editing
The texts can be changed by OLink software or by sending an instructional
code TXT n,text,n,text...
Voice message recording
The recording is performed via a mobile phone; the system must be in service or user mode. Dial the system SIM card number from
your telephone. When the system answers, key in the SC, MC, UC code and then key in
. The communicator will announce:
“You are in voice message recording mode, see the installation manual.“ see 6.9
Enable reporting to phones
901 x
x=0 disabled
x=1 enabled (all programmed)
x=2 enabled
without reporting setting/unsetting
by users 41 to 50
(codes, cards & key-fobs) and
master code setting/unsetting
Enabling remote access
802 x
x=0 no
x=1 yes (by phone and Internet)
x=2 yes, but only by enrolled phones
Forwarding of incoming SMS messages
801 x
x=0 no, x=1 if the incoming text is not an SMS
instruction it will be forwarded to the first
programmed number in memories M1 to M8
Autoconfiguration of GPRS
903 x
X=0 autoconfiguration disabled
x=1 autoconfiguration enabled
Autoconfiguration enabled
SMS instruction confirmation
904 x
x=0 no, x=1 yes (by SMS reply)
Reaction to incoming calls
905 x
x=0 no reaction
x=1 answers after 15s ringing
answers after ringing for 15s
GSM signal dropout indication
906 x
x=0 no, x=1 yes (15min. dropout =fault)
Time synchronization via SMS
907 x
X=0 off, x=1 synchronization on
Phone speaker loudness
909 x
x=0..9, 0=minimum,9=maximum
Number to be called to maintain SIM card
910 xx..x*0
xx..x = tel. number (max.20 digits), 910*0 erase the
Restriction of the number of sent SMS to
max. 50 SMS per 24 hours
803 x
1=restriction enabled, 0=restriction disabled
restriction enabled
SIM card credit interrogation
You can inquire about credit balance by sending the SMS instruction:
code CREDIT uu..u xx yyy zz
where code = master or
service code, uu..u = GSM network command string to ascertain the credit (e.g.
), xx=auto-interrogation frequency in days,
yyy=minimum acceptable balance, zz= the textual position at which the number showing the balance starts in the reply message
from the GSM provider. If the credit is lower than the set minimum value, the provider’s SMS will be auto-forwarded to numbers M1
and M8 for someone to top up the pre-paid SIM card
Programming by SMS
The system can be programmed remotely via SMS instruction
code PRG seq, seq,...
where seq are programming sequences set
in the same way as from the keypad (e.g.
8080 PRG*08080 201 #
sets the 10s exit delay
(a space in the sequence causes a 500ms pause)
Registration code
911 xx...x
xx..x = tel. number to which the registration code
should be sent
Re-registration to the GSM network
the communicator disconnects from the GSM network and then re-registers itself, this function can also be
performed by SMS:
code GSM
Communicator reset
Resets to the factory default settings and erases all phone numbers, text will not be changed
SIM card’s PIN code
920 xx..x
xx..x = PIN, 920*0 erases the PIN (to use a SIM
card with a disabled PIN)
GPRS parameter settings
by SMS instruction:
code GPRS apn user pass
where apn = APN, user = username, pass = password (only enter the APN if the
name and password are not required by the GSM provider)
Tab. 7 communicator programming sequence