• Rod cutting tool
*Itron offers 12" (OEM-1006-001), 18" (OEM-1006-002), or 36" (OEM-1006-005) fiberglass
mounting rods. Minimum order quantity is 100. For more information, see the
Itron Water
Products Ordering Guide
Installing the pit module on a rod
1. Remove the pit lid. Inspect the area to make sure there are no buried cables, pipes, or
other obstructions.
2. Measure the pit box depth from the top of the lip (where the lid will rest) to the bottom of
the pit. Be sure to measure the depth at the point where you will drive the rod into the
3. Add 12 inches to the pit box depth measurement taken in step 2. The resulting total
represents the minimum length of rod needed. Soil types and moisture conditions may
require longer rod lengths to ensure the pit module is well supported and remains
4. Without touching the meter body or adjacent pipes, position the rod as close to the center
of the pit as possible. Drive the rod into the ground. Ensure the rod remains vertical.
: The rod shown has an end cap to protect the rod while driving it into the ground.
5. Drive the rod into the ground so the top of the rod is approximately 3-1/2 inches below
the bottom of the pit lid.
• If you cannot drive the rod in enough to equal the necessary spacing, cut the
remaining rod length to the proper height using an abrasive cut-off tool.
: Cutting fiberglass creates dust particles. Practice proper safety
precautions when using cut-off tools to prevent exposure to fiberglass dust
Installing the OpenWay Riva Water Pit Module
OpenWay Riva Pit Water Module Installation Guide TDC-1666-000
Proprietary and Confidential