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3. Variable data to be read from Weight or Amount
4. Digits for fixed part of barcode
5. Number of variable digits to use
Appendage of new texts into database
Copy active PLU and append it as last of the list
Totals management. It let you access a submenu to print or erase all totals.
If now you press
you reach a further submenu to set all parameters of
variable fields into Grand Total label:
Type of total
N° of printed labels
Net Weight
Amount in National money and in Euro
Barcode. You can set:
1. Type: EAN13, EAN8 or UPCA
2. Fixed / Variable
3. Variable data from Weight or Amount
4. Fixed digit into barcode
5. Number of variable digit to use
BKSP + UP arr.
Link to next label Layout
BKSP + DOWN arr.
Link to previous label Layout