11. iCS2 – iseg Communication Server 2.2
11.1. System description
The iseg Communication Server iCS is a software solution to control iseg high voltage hardware from multiple devices over wired
or wireless network. iCS is a manufacturer specific Linux OS, which runs on iseg hardware, like iCSmini2, CC24 crate controller
series or SHR Desktop High Voltage Power Supply.
The iCS front end is based on browser technology to keep installation and maintenance effort low, to enable a quick start for
configuration independently from the user's software platform, even on mobile devices.
iCS is equipped with an integrated role and user management, and delivers important software services right out of the box, like
EPICS IOC, OPC server, SNMP interface, HTTP, SOAP and webservices to give a quick access to iseg hardware.
iCS also delivers configuration utilities and straight forwarded tools for firmware upgrading process.
Crate Controller CC24/CC23 | Last change on: 14.04.2020 |