Vertiq 2306
In the textbox, type:
serialpassthrough 30 115200
The console should say something like this:
serialpassthrough 30 115200
Port 30 opened, baud = 115200.
Forwarding, power cycle to exit.
Do not power cycle!
Click the “Disconnect” button and move to the next section
Change module settings in IQ GUI
Download and open the IQ GUI (see section 3)
Ensure the communication wires are connected to the FC in the proper location
Power the motor (anything between 5V and 25V)
Select the same com port used to connect to your FC in the top right
Click the ”Connect” button
Now you can change settings (see sections 3 and 4) and flash new firmware (see section 12)
Tip: the IQ GUI may disconnect or not read a setting from time to time on some older flight controllers
because softserial requires a lot of CPU. If this happens, just reconnect the motor and check to make sure
you saved all the settings you changed.
Restore your FC
Remove your FC from serialpassthrough mode by unplugging all power, then reconnecting to USB
(power cycle)
Switch back to the BetaFlight GUI and connect the FC
In the Setup tab, click Reset Settings (don’t worry, we will put your custom settings back on the FC
in the next step)
In the popup confirmation window, click Reset (see image below for reference)
2021 IQinetics Technologies Inc.