Vertiq 2306
Repeat the arming process and fly!
WARNING: if your motors are hot after a short hover test, decrease PD gains and lower the filter
frequencies on your FC.
Propeller Setup
Place the prop adapter over the steel extrusion and align the screw holes
Screw in the adapter tightly with the 4 M2 screws (we recommend using threadlocker)
Screw on the propeller
Screw on the nut tightly
Position Application Setup
Before connecting the module to your application, download the firmware that is appropriate for your
The servo position firmware accepts standard PWM, OneShot, MultiShot, and DShot inputs as
well as IQ’s UART protocol and can operate in position, velocity, voltage, or PWM mode
The step/direction firmware mimics a stepper motor with one line as step (TX/Telem), and the
other line as the direction (RX/PWM)
Open the IQ Control Center to initialize (see section 3)
If your application involves a rotation to linear conversion, change the conversion factor to meters
per radian in the General tab
In the Tuning tab, Set initial position, PID gains, etc.
In the Advanced tab, Set safety features, such as timeout and max angular speed
Connect your module’s power wires to a power source (between 5V and 25V)
Connect your communication wires to your arduino, computer, etc.
Mount your module to the application
If communicating over UART, use the IQ libraries (available at
) to
send commands to your module*
*For more detailed instructions on communicating with the modules, refer to the ReadTheDocs page at
2021 IQinetics Technologies Inc.