Vertiq 2306
Drone Setup
Prior to connecting the modules to your drone, open the IQ Control Center to initialize (see section 3)
Set appropriate module settings using the pre-made settings at the top of the IQ Control Center
General tab (see section 11) or set your own
Set module direction (this includes both CW vs. CCW and 2D vs. 3D mode)
Set FC mode (2D vs. 3D). If FC is using dshot and in 3D mode, set this value to 3D. Otherwise
set this to 2D.
If necessary, set motor PID gains in the Tuning tab.
In most cases, the default values are
Configure your flight controller to be compatible with IQ modules
Open your flight controller’s user interface
Enable Air Mode
This prevents the motor from shutting off at minimum throttle
WARNING: you may see integrator wind up when the vehicle is on the ground depending on
your FC and settings
Lower motor idle throttle (optional)
IQ motors do not require an idle throttle value
If you set this to 0, the motors will not spin when the FC is armed
Change other FC settings as you would normally
Fasten the modules to your drone’s frame with mounting screws provided. WARNING: using mounting
screws that are too long will damage the motor. See the datasheet for details.
Solder/plug in the power wires to the power distribution board
Solder/plug in the communication wires to the flight controller
When using an analog protocol (1-2ms standard, OneShot125, OneShot42, MultiShot) you will need
to calibrate the ESCs. See your FC’s instructions for the procedure.
Arming Procedure
If this is your first time setting up the vehicle, do this without props to test motor settings
Arm your FC normally
The motors will only arm once throttle is in the appropriate place
2D mode - motors arm at minimum throttle (throttle stick all the way down)
3D mode - motors arm at mid throttle (throttle stick in the middle)
The motors will play the arming tune and spin slowly
Once you’ve tested motor settings, disarm your FC
Add the propellers (see section 5)
2021 IQinetics Technologies Inc.