Section VII
Remote Video Terminal
Page 7.4
II S, 3.00
A convenient way of viewing the Alarm History screen is to use the commands at the
top of this screen:
Scrolls up one alarm
Goes to the top of the alarm history buffer
Scrolls down one alarm
Goes to the bottom of the alarm history buffer
Scrolls up one page
Monitors the occurrence of alarms. All new
Scrolls down one page
alarms are added to the bottom of the screen.
7.5 P-Record
P–Record format is for users who need to query the UPS periodically for information
as to its status using custom developed monitoring software. It is used also when the “phone
home” capability is enabled or when monitoring the UPS by optional UPS Manager Plus
software (available from IPM).
If development of custom monitoring software is required, see Drawing
950–010–A416, Revision C, UPS Remote Monitor Protocol, Sheets 2 through 28 following
this page. Sheet 1, a cover sheet, has been omitted.