Section IV
Page 4.7
II S, 3.00
8. Repeat until all battery trays have been
inspected, cleaned and greased. Do one
tray at a time and be sure to return tray to
its original location. Bolt in place. Trays
are numbered in accordance with Figure
9. Retighten power cable connections
between the DC Disconnect switch and
the UPS. Refer to torque table in
Paragraph 2.7, AC Power Connection.
10. Reconnect the battery trays to each other
as described in Paragraph 2.4, Activating
the Battery Pack. Replace side panels
and top.
Battery Test
Batteries should be tested whenever a battery–related problem is suspected or at
annual intervals. The procedure described is for individual batteries and requires the use of a
Balkamp 700–112 Battery Tester or equivalent. The Balkamp unit is available at most
NAPA auto parts stores or from IPM.
The tester is rated for 100 amps, 12 vdc. It checks voltage under load.
Batteries should be tested in their fully–charged state, but not within 24 hours of
having been equalized (recharged). Batteries should be left in their trays during testing.
1. Perform Maintenance Shutdown
procedure (Paragraph 4.6.2).
The battery tray may weigh in excess of 200 lbs (91 kg).
Use lift hand truck to remove it.
2. Slide out the desired battery tray onto a
lift hand truck.
3. Test each battery separately.
4. Using a digital voltmeter which can be
read to 0.01 vdc, check the voltage across
the posts of the batteries, one at a time.
Record the voltage readings for each