Wi-Fi/Ethernet to RS485/RS232 Server User Manual
User Configuration Process
When device power on, it will work as the previous setting parameter. If need to change the
default working mode, need to configure the following example.
Wireless Network Parameters
Wireless Network Name
Security Mode
Encryption Key
TCP/UDP Linking Parameters
Protocol Type
Link Type
Server or Client
Target Port ID Number
Target Port IP Address
Serial Port Parameters
Baud Rate
Data Bit
Parity (Check) Bit
Stop Bit
Hardware Flow Control
Work Mode Selection
Transparent/Agreement/HTTPD Client mode(AT+TMODE to set)
The following introduce the work mode in detail.
Working Mode
Transparent Transmission Mode
The device support serial interface transparent transmissioin mode. The benefit of this mode is to
achieve a plug, play serial data port, and reduces user complexity. In this mode, user should only
configure the necessary parameters. After power on, the device can automatically connect to the
default wireless network and server. Use AT+NETP and AT+TCPB command to set the
communication parameters.
As in this mode, the device 's serial port always work in the transparent transmission mode, so
users only need to think of it as a virtual serial cable, send and receive data as using a simple
serial. In other words, the serial cable of users'original serial devices are directly replaced by the
DTU device, user devices can be easy for wireless data transmission without any changes.
The transparent transmission mode can fully compatible with user's original software platform and
reduce the software development effort for integrate wireless data transmission.
Users may also enable the serial port hardware flow control(CTS/RTS) function, so that
we can make the bit error rate to a minimum. If the user doesn't need hardware flow control
function of the serial port, only need to make the CTS/RTS unconnected.