Cleaning the Drive Shaft
Warning: Do not use any water, brushes with metal bristles or clean-
ing agents (except alcohol) to clean the plotter. Pay special attention
to keeping the drive shaft bearings free of all liquids
Clean the drive shaft regularly to make sure the plot remains accurate. To
clean the drive shaft:
1. Turn off the plotter and disconnect the power cord.
2. Gently remove any accumulated dust and residue with a stiff non-metal
bristle brush.
Over time, plotters may require calibration to account for normal wear. This
will ensure that the plotter output closely matches the design intent.
Prepare the Plotter
1. Load the plotter with paper that is greater than 46 inches wide according
to the instructions in the Operation section. Install a pen in the carriage.
2. Move the carriage with the Arrow keys so that the pen is to the left of the
right most pinchwheel.
3. Put the plotter in Start mode (green LED) by pressing the Set Origin key.
The machine will pull a panel of paper off of the roll. See the Operation
chapter for more details on preparing to plot.
Gather the Calibration Data
1. Open the Ioline Control Center program.
2. Select Calibrate, Calibrate Plotter from the Control Center menu bar. A
window like Figure 16 will appear.
Figure 15. Cleaning the Drive Shaft.
3. Select Calibration Plot to plot the factory stored calibration plot. The
plotter will draw a box that is 40” (102 cm) long on the X axis and 30”
(76 cm) wide on the Y axis. See Figure 17.
Figure 16. Calibration screen.
Note: The Scale command does not effect the calibration values.