1. Stand in front of the machine.
2. Attach a piece of masking tape to the front of edge of the paper from
3. While holding the front edge with both hands about 2’ apart, raise the
chart wheel lever, and pull about 18” - 20” (46-51 cm) of paper over the
platen and shiny top bar and under the take-up shaft (see Figure 10).
4. Lower the chart wheel lever.
5. Insert the rear dancer bar. See Figure 13.
6. Press the Set Origin key on the keypad. Gently pull the middle of the
front edge of the paper to start the machine pulling paper from the feed
roll. As the paper feeds forward guide it over the shiny front top bar. The
paper will reverse direction and form a feed loop in the rear. The plotter
will enter Start mode (green LED) when it is finished.
7. If the paper is not long enough to be wrapped under the take-up shaft and
taped to the front (see Figure 11) more paper must be pulled forward.
Press the Start/Stop key until the LED turns red (Stop mode). Use the
down Arrow key to pull enough paper to attach the middle of the paper
to the center of the take-up shaft. Use masking tape to attach the right and
left ends (about 2” or 5 cm in from the edge) to the take-up shaft.
Positioning the Pinchwheels
Pinchwheel position depends on the width of the paper. Always place pinch-
wheels over a drive shaft segment. Use the white markers attached to the
carriage rail to find drive shaft segments when they are covered by paper. An
example of chart wheel position on 72 inch (183 cm) paper is included below.
Different paper sizes require different pinchwheel positions. Experiment to
find the proper positions remembering to place two pinchwheels near both
edges of the paper.
1. Ensure that the paper is loaded as described in the previous steps.
2. Raise the pinchwheels (if they are not up) by pushing the lever away from
the machine.
3. Make sure that the paper roll is centered on the feed shaft.
4. Move the pinchwheels to the proper position. See the figure below for an
example. Do not place a pinchwheel over any smooth portion of the
drive shaft. Use the white markers on the carriage rail to find drive shaft
segments when they are covered by paper.
Figure 12. Positioning the pinchwheels for 72” (183 cm) paper.
Note: It is important for these procedures that the paper roll is cen-
tered on the feed shaft.
Outer Pinchwheels
Inner Pinchwheel
White Driveshaft Markers
72 Inch Paper
Note: This method is useful for accurate alignment of the first few
frames but is not always necessary.
Taping Paper (Optional Method)