Sending Plot Files
When the apparel design is complete, send the pattern (as a marker plot, .plt,
file) to the plotter. Make sure the power is on and that the paper is loaded.
Also, be sure that a new origin is set with the Set Origin keypad button and
that the plotter is in Start mode (green LED).
• From the Design Software
In most cases the apparel design software will be used to create a marker plot
file and send the data directly to the plotter. Some software packages also
allow changes to plotting parameters. Be sure to follow the software instruc-
• From the Ioline Control Center
The Ioline Control Center software can be used to send a completed marker
plot file to the plotter. Open the Ioline Control Center as described earlier in
this chapter.
1. From the menu bar select File.
2. Select Send Plot File.
3. Enter the correct path and file name of the plot that will be sent to the
plotter. For example, the path might be:
C:\IOLINE\<file name>.plt
4. Select OK.
Pausing a Marker Plot
1. Pause a plot by pressing the Start/Stop key.
2. The keypad LED will change from green to red.
3. When plotting is paused the carriage, paper, and take-up roll can be
moved with the keypad Arrow keys. When the Start/Stop key is pressed
again (red LED changes to green) the plotter will return the carriage and
paper to the last plotting position.
Canceling a Marker Plot
• From the Apparel Design Software
1. Press the Start/Stop key to place the plotter in Stop mode (red LED).
Plotting will stop when the current vector finishes drawing.
2. Abort sending the plot from the apparel design software (refer to the
apparel design software manual or consult the software dealer). If this
step is skipped the plot will continue when a new origin is set with the Set
Origin keypad button.
3. Position the carriage and paper for a new plot file and press the Set
Origin key. The plotter will delete the plot data it has already received
but has not yet drawn. New feed and take-up loops will form.
• From the Ioline Control Center
1. Press the Start/Stop key to place the plotter in Stop mode (red LED).
Plotting will stop when the current vector finishes drawing.
2. Cancel the plot in the Control Center software by clicking on the Abort
button. The file may have already finished downloading to the plotter.
Skip this step if that has occurred.
3. Use the keypad Arrow keys to position the carriage for the start of a new
plot file.
4. Press the Set Origin key to make the plotter delete the plot data it has
already received but has not yet drawn. This also prepares the plotter to
receive the next plot file.
5. New feed and take-up loops will form.
Important: Do not pull paper tight between the drive shaft and the
take-up shaft while plotting is paused. Do not turn the feed roll or
take-up roll by hand while plotting is paused.