Concept 45 Wheelchair
Part No. 1088191
Wheelchair Tie Down Restraints
Safety/Handling of Wheelchairs
Safety and handling of the wheelchair require the close attention of the wheelchair user as well as the assistant. This manual points out
the most common procedures and techniques involved in the safe operation and maintenance of the wheelchair. It is important to
practice and master these safe techniques until you are comfortable in maneuvering around the frequently encountered architectural
Use this information only as a basic guide. The techniques that are discussed on the following pages have been used successfully by many.
Individual wheelchair users often develop skills to deal with daily living activities that may differ from those described in this manual.
Invacare recognizes and encourages each individual to try what works best for him/her in overcoming architectural obstacles that they
may encounter. However, all warnings and cautions given in this manual MUST be heeded. Techniques in this manual are a starting
point for the new wheelchair user and assistant with “safety” as the most important consideration for all.
A Note to Wheelchair Attendants
When assistance to the wheelchair user is required, remember to use good body mechanics. Keep your back straight and bend your
knees whenever tilting the chair or traversing curbs, stairs, or other impediments.
Also, be aware of detachable parts such as arms or legrests. These must NEVER be used for hand-hold or lifting supports, as they may
be inadvertently released, resulting in possible injury to the user and/or attendant(s).
When learning a new assistance technique, have an experienced attendant help you before attempting it alone.
Wheelchair users should NOT be transported in vehicles of any kind while in wheelchairs. As of this date, the Department
of Transportation has not approved any tie-down systems for transportation of a user while in a wheelchair, in a moving
vehicle of any type.
It is Invacare’s position that users of wheelchairs should be transferred into appropriate seating in vehicles for
transportation and use be made of the restraints made available by the auto industry. Invacare cannot and does not
recommend any wheelchair transportation systems.