RGB Light
This type of device corresponds to the RGB light control.
The group addresses to configure are:
Red Value 1Byte:
red control communication object.
Green Value 1Byte:
green control communication object.
Blue Value 1Byte:
blue control communication object.
Red Value Status 1Byte:
red color status communication object.
Green Value Status 1Byte:
green color status communication object.
Blue Value Status 1Byte:
blue color status communication object.
In case of not having the status group addresses configured in ETS, it is
recommended to fill them in with the same control group addresses.
Moreover, it is possible to predefine the color values for each device:
Predefined value 1:
RGB adjustable value (from 0 to 255) that will appear
as a predefined color which the user can select.
Predefined value 2:
RGB adjustable value (from 0 to 255) that will appear
as a predefined color which the user can select.
For the correct functioning of the device it is important to check that the different
status 1Byte reading flag has been activated in ETS.