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3.4. Antitiphjul
For at sikre AKTIVLINE god stabilitet, er un-
derstellet forsynet med to antitiphjul . Disse hjul
monteres i en drejelig udgave, hvilket vil gøre det
nemmere at køre op ad kantsten eller trapper .
Sørg altid for, at antitiphjulene og de
to små hjul peger i retning mod kørebanens un-
derlag, når der sidder en bruger i sædeskallen!
For at vippe antitiphjulene skal du gøre følgende:
1 . Træk parkeringsbremsen .
2 . Stil dig bag AKTIVLINE
3 . Træk nu den ene antitipbøjle lidt ud af hol-
denoten (billede 12) .
4 . Drej nu antitipbøjlen 90° opad i udtrukket
position, så det lille hjul peger opad
(Figur 13) .
5 . Lad antitipbøjlen glide tilbage i noten til hol-
deren igen ved hjælp af fjederen (billede 13) .
6 . Gentag proceduren for det andet antitiphjul .
7 . Slæk parkeringsbremsen .
8 . Gentag proceduren ved tilbagesvingning til
udgangspositionen .
Kontrollér altid, at begge antitiphjul
peger i samme retning . Kun på den måde sikres
en effektiv stabilitet .
3.4. Anti-tip Wheels
To guarantee AKTIVLINE’s stability, the under-
carriage is equipped with two anti-tip wheels .
These are mounted with a swivel version to
make curbs, stairs and sharp turns easier to
negotiate .
Pay particular attention that the anti-tip
wheels and the two small wheels are all pointed
in the direction of the road surface when a pa-
tient is sitting in the seat!
To swivel the anti-tip wheels proceed as
1 . Employ the parking brake .
2 . Stand behind the AKTIVLINE .
3 . Pull one anti-tip bracket gently out of its
tubular mounting (Photo 12) .
4 . Pull the anti-tip bracket outward and, in the
extended position, turn it 90° so that the
small wheel faces upward (Photo 13) .
5 . Let the anti-tip bracket spring gently back
into the tubular mounting (Photo 13) .
6 . Repeat this procedure with the second
wheel .
7 . Release the parking brake .
8 . Swivel back to the original position in the
same way .
Pay particular attention that both anti-tip
wheels always face in the same direction . The
effectiveness of the anti-tip system depends on
correct wheel placement .