131 Eisenhower Lane North
Lombard, IL 60148
630 268 0010 / 1 800 251 2408
P/N 53-00778-100 Rev. 062003
Application Installation and Trouble Shooting Guide
Mini-Bus Multiplex System
Page 26
The rear heater fan does not run.
The hot water valve does not operate.
Check the fuse at the master module. If more than one heater module is used, there may be fuses
located off of the master module.
Try replacing the heater module.
The solenoid valve may be connected to the heater output on the switch adapter(tab terminal) or it may be
connected to a heater module. Check the connections
Flashing Warning Lights, interlock alarm or dome lights do not operate.
Unplug the three pin plug from the heater module 00-00771. This part of the harness should go back to
J6 at the master. Check multiplex communications on the harness by measuring the voltage between
pins 2 and 3. You should measure 6.5-9 volts. Check between pins 1 and 3. You should measure
battery voltage. If these check out the harness is ok.
Although the wheel chair lift interlock is a stand alone product, it is often used with the MiniBus Multiplex
System. We are therefore including some trouble shooting tips with this manual. For data sheets and
wiring information please see our web site at www.intellitecsve.com .
The wheel chair lift interlock prevents operation of the lift unless the ignition is on, the transmission is in
park, the parking brake is set and the lift door is open.
In addition to the interlock, the module provides a dome light output, warning output (lift not satisfied),3
Flashing warning light outputs.
Check the Lift power fuse.
The module has 4 LEDS that indicate if the appropriate inputs are present. A fifth LED indicates that the
bypass switch has been activated. Pressing the bypass allows the lift to operate in the event an input is
missing. Observe the LEDs and check to see that the appropriate inputs are present. It is possible that
a door switch has become misadjusted.
Check the fuses located on the module.
See page 28 for wiring and connections.
Wheel Chair Lift Interlock II.
Lift will not operate.
See pin out and wiring diagrams for the Wheel Chair Lift Interlock on the following page.
Trouble Shooting