131 Eisenhower Lane North
Lombard, IL 60148
630 268 0010 / 1 800 251 2408
P/N 53-00778-100 Rev. 062003
Application Installation and Trouble Shooting Guide
Mini-Bus Multiplex System
All of the outputs are off regardless of the switch positions.
Check voltage between the power stud on the master and pin J2-2. It should be 10 volts or more.
Check fuse F8 on the master, this fuse provides power to the switch adapters.
Check multiplex communications to the modules.
Unplug J3, J4, J5, J6, and J7 at the Master Module
Using a voltmeter measure the voltage between pins 1 and 3 on J3 through J7. . You should read battery
voltage. If not check the associated fuse and the voltage at the power stud on the master.
Using a voltmeter, check the voltage between pin 2 and 3.on any single connector. This is the systems
multiplex communication signal, which is present at each of the connectors.. You should read between 6.5 and
9 volts (no more, no less). If the communications voltage is not in the correct range and there is 10 volts or
more on the power stud, the master may be defective.
If the communication voltage is in the correct range, it is possible that another module or the wire harness is
corrupting the communications. Begin isolating the cause of the problem by plugging J3 through J7 back in one
at a time beginning with J7. When you plug J7 in, check to see if the outputs at the master turn on and off when
you operate the switches, If they do you have eliminated the Master and switch adapter as a problem. If they
do not operate it is likely that the wiring to the switch adapter or the switch adapter has a problem.
After having checked the master and having reconnected J7, per the above procedure, check the switch adapter as
as follows.
Check the dip switch settings on the switch adapter. (See the switch adapter settings on page 15) Only an
adapter set for “A” will operate outputs at the master. An adapter set for “B” will operate auxiliary outputs
located on the auxiliary output modules.
At the switch adapter, remove the 3 pin plug. This harness should go back to J7 on the master. Measure the
voltages on the harness. Pin 1-3 should measure battery voltage and pins 2-3 should measure the
communication voltage of 6.5-9 volts. If this is the case you have eliminated the harness between the switch
panel and master as a problem. If the dip switch settings are correct and the harness checks out and the
switches still do not operate the outputs on the master, you may have a defective switch adapter. If it is only a
single switch that does not work, check the fuse for the appropriate output at the master or auxiliary output
module also check to see if the switch is defective.
If the adapter is ok, continue plugging the rest of connectors in one at a time. If the outputs turn off when you
connect a plug, check that part of the harness as per above and the module connected to it by removing the 3
pin plug at the module. If the system returns to normal suspect the module if not, suspect the harness. Test the
harness by measuring for voltages as per the switch adapter above.
1. Check the fuses at the master and aux output modules.
2. The lighting circuits are designed to operate with or without ignition. Aux 1 and Aux 2 on the master can be set to
go off with ignition or with the 20 minute timer. Check the dip switch settings on the switch adapter.
3. Pin J2-1 on the master should be connected to an ignition source. Check the voltage between J2-1 and J2-2 when
the ignition is on. You should read battery voltage. When the ignition is off you will not read battery voltage. This is
the sense lead to tell us whether the ignition is on or not. Auxiliary output modules will turn off when ignition is off.
The interior lights can be turned on and off, but the auxiliary outputs do not operate.
Page 24
Trouble Shooting