8 Basic CNC Programming
8.4 NC Codes
Used for operator intervention. Stop motion on all axes until the operator manually resumes
program execution using the Run/Continue command or the Run button
Wait until input goes high before executing the operations in this block.
Used for robot synchronization (see
12 Automation lntegration, pg. 166).
Example: G25H13; Wait until user input 3 goes high.
Wait until input goes low before executing the operations on this block. Used for robot
synchronization (see
12 Automation lntegration, pg. 166).
Example: G26H12; Wait until user input 2 goes low.
Move linearly to a specified coordinate but monitor the state of a specified input during
motion. If the state of the input changes from High to Low or from Low to High (as specified),
then stop the motion. Jump to a specified line in the NC program to continue.
The H word specifies the input to watch (see
8.4.7 H Code: lnput Selection Number, pg. 116).
If a negative sign is used before the input number, the motion will stop if the input state
changes from High to Low. Otherwise, the motion will stop if the input state changes from
Low to High.
The P word specifies the line number to jump to (see
8.4.15 P Code: Subprogram Reference
Example 1: G31 X5 Y5 Z0.5 H11 P500; Move linearly to X5Y5Z0.5. If input 1 changes from Low
to High, stop the motion. Continue at line 500 in the program.
Example 2: G31 X3 Y2 Z1 H-12 P30; Move linearly to X3Y2Z1. If input 2 changes from High to
Low, stop the motion. Continue at line 30 in the program.
The Canned Cycle Group
Canned Cycle codes allow you to perform a number of tool motions by specifying just one code. Canned
cycle codes are typically used for repetitive operations to reduce the amount of data required in an NC
program. Canned cycle codes are retained until superseded in the program by another canned cycle
Detailed information on many canned cycles is presented in chapter
9, as detailed below.
The supported Canned Cycle codes are listed below.
Info Table: Canned Cycle Group
Canned cycle cancel
Canned cycle drilling
Canned cycle peck drilling
Canned cycle drilling with dwell