Cedar 880AG Enterprise Dual-Radio AP/Bridge
Login Password
The administrator uses the combination of
Login Name
Login Password
to log
in to Cedar. After log in, the administrator can view most of the system parameters.
In order to view all of the system parameters and perform any changes, the
administrator needs to enter the privilege mode.
The manufacture default value for
is “changeitnow”.
Privilege Password
is used by the administrator to enter the privilege mode.
The manufacture default value is “changeitnow”.
Changes to
Login Password
Privilege Password
are saved automatically.
You do not need to save the changes by clicking
in the tool bar.
4.3 Upgrade
Intelicis offers free firmware upgrades for bug fixes and patches. Please visit the Intelicis
web site at
for the latest upgrade. Choose one of the following
methods to download the upgrades.
Copy the new firmware to a local FTP server root directory. Make sure the file can be
retrieved via “anonymous” login with no password.
Copy the new firmware to a user’s FTP home directory. Make sure the file can be
retrieved by logging in with the user’s username/password.