Intel® Server Board SE7520AF2 TPS
Integrated Intel® RAID Controller SROMBU42E
Revision 1.2
Intel order number C77866-003
Figure 25. Inte® RAID BIOS Console Screen
Main Screen
When you press <Ctrl>-<G> on the host computer, the configuration utility displays the main
screen (see previous figure). From the main screen you can scan the devices connected to the
controller, and alternate between the physical devices view and the logical devices view. The
main screen also provides access to the following screens: Adapter Properties, Physical
Devices, Logical Devices, and Configuration Wizard.
Adapter Properties Screen
When you select the Adapter Selection option on the main screen, BIOS Console displays a list
of the Intel RAID adapters in the system.
The Adapter Properties screen allows you to view and configure the software and hardware of
the selected adapter. You access the Adapter Properties screen from the BIOS Console main
screen. The following table describes the Adapter Properties menu options.
Table 34. Adapter Properties Menu Options
Firmware Version
This option displays the firmware version number.