2 Duo Processor
Specification Update
internal conditions, it is possible to have an ordering violation between
memory store and load operations.
Due to this erratum, proper load/store ordering may not be followed when
multiple logical processors are accessing the same data that crosses a
cacheline boundary without serialization.
It is possible for the BIOS to contain a workaround for this erratum.
For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Unsynchronized Cross-Modifying Code Operations Can Cause
Unexpected Instruction Execution Results
The act of one processor, or system bus master, writing data into a currently
executing code segment of a second processor with the intent of having the
second processor execute that data as code is called cross-modifying code
(XMC). XMC that does not force the second processor to execute a
synchronizing instruction, prior to execution of the new code, is called
unsynchronized XMC.
Software using unsynchronized XMC to modify the instruction byte stream of
a processor can see unexpected or unpredictable execution behavior from the
processor that is executing the modified code.
In this case, the phrase "unexpected or unpredictable execution behavior"
encompasses the generation of most of the exceptions listed in the
Architecture Software Developer's Manual Volume 3: System Programming
, including a General Protection Fault (GPF) or other unexpected
behaviors. In the event that unpredictable execution causes a GPF the
application executing the unsynchronized XMC operation would be terminated
by the operating system.
In order to avoid this erratum, programmers should use the XMC
synchronization algorithm as detailed in the
Intel Architecture Software
Developer's Manual Volume 3: System Programming Guide
, Section: Handling
Self- and Cross-Modifying Code.
For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
A Page Fault May Not be Generated When the PS bit is set to “1” in a
On processors supporting Intel® 64 architecture, the PS bit (Page Size, bit 7)
is reserved in PML4Es and PDPTEs. If the translation of the linear address of a
memory access encounters a PML4E or a PDPTE with PS set to 1, a page fault
should occur. Due to this erratum, PS of such an entry is ignored and no page
fault will occur due to its being set.
Software may not operate properly if it relies on the processor to deliver page
faults when reserved bits are set in paging-structure entries.